Find Your Flow…

1:1 sessions

Qigong, Angelic Reiki, reiki & Sound Therapy

I offer a variety of 1:1 therapy sessions to help my clients reconnect with their natural state of flow. Working intuitively and with pure intention, I use a singular or a combination of practices to help individuals discover emotional, mental, spiritual or physical blockages that may be preventing them from experiencing their full well-being potential.

Treatments are delivered from the privacy of my beautiful home: a white-washed cortijo that is located in the mountains of Almeria, Spain. A warm welcome awaits everyone.

Depending on individual needs, my goal is to help facilitate your pathway to natural self-healing through self-awareness and personal growth. Sometimes, this involves accepting what is; cultivating that all is always perfect.

Sessions are normally 75 mins in duration, which includes discussing the purpose of your visit, treatment or Qigong lesson, and feedback.

Fee for 1:1 sessions are 30 euros per treatment or 100 euros if booking 4 sessions in advance.

I am available for home visits; please email me by clicking on any of the links to find out more.



Keep an eye on my website for regular workshop and event updates.


MBS (Mind, Body & Spirit) Well-Being Days are an opportunity to enjoy spending a day with like-minded souls in reconnecting with your natural state of flow using Qigong, meditation, sound therapy and soulful practical guidance and exercises. The workshop runs from 10am-4pm. The fee is 40 euros per person and includes refreshments and a vegetarian lunch. To enable a more intimate setting, numbers are limited. Contact me via the links for location and further details.

Thursday 5th September 2024

Thursday 10th October 2024

Thursday 14th November 2024

Thursday 19th December 2024

Alternatively, organise your own bespoke Well-Being Day with a bunch of your besties or your loved ones. Likewise, book a Well-Being Day for the perfect way of bringing together work colleagues; or if you are boss, the day offers a wonderful way to say thank you to your staff.

Duration 6 hours; date and time to fit around your busy schedule.

Minimum number 4 people.

The fee is 45 euros per person.

1:1 / couples / private

MBS well-being days

Booking a 1:1 MBS Well-Being Day is the perfect way to give yourself a day of self-love and pampering. The day will focus on your personal goals to reach a better state of well-being; discovering ways to reinstate your natural state of flow. You will start with a personalised Qigong lesson, reiki healing and guided visualisation with sound bath experience. The day will include a vegetarian lunch and refreshments.

Duration 5 hours; date and time to fit around your busy schedule.

The fee is 75 euros

If you would like to share the day with a close friend, partner, parent or sibling, the same schedule applies. Duration will be 5 hours; date and time to fit around your busy schedules.

The fee is 60 euros per person.

Please contact me for further details.

Sunrise & sunset qigong

Join like-minded souls to find your flow through graceful movement and breath work as you observe sunrise and sunset. Various locations and times.



Enjoy a wonderful and relaxing meditation & sound-bath, followed by a vegetarian supper with a bunch of amazing souls. Contact me via the links for location details. Soulful Suppers start at 6:00pm. Numbers are limited. The fee is 20 euros per person and includes supper.



The belief and presence of angelic forms has existed in nearly every single culture for thousands of years. For me they are energetic entities that present themselves in whatever form we are ready to perceive them to be. Inviting them into your life has many benefits on a mind, body and spirit level; but requires understanding and respect.

I offer various workshops on how to harness the wonders of embracing angels in your every day life: from connecting with your Guardian Angel, to using the power and protection of Archangel Michael or dealing with heart related issues with Archangel Chamuel.

Registered Angel Teacher with the DCSWL (Diana Cooper School of White Light)


ANGELIC REIKI teacher training

For those who love working with angelic energy, explore the wonders of qualifying as an Angelic Reiki practitioner.

I offer Angelic Reiki levels I, II, III & IV + Angelic Reiki Master training (only available after completing levels I-IV).



Divination Readings - I do not offer 1:1 readings, as they often take different forms and timings. Instead I work with a photograph and use intuition and spiritual and angelic guidance to assist me in deciding on what divination cards are to be used and the card formation of the reading. I am usually guided to draw between 20-30 cards depending on the deck, which offer guidance on various parts of the life journey. I use the cards to inspire channelled written guidance, which is forwarded to you via email as a PDF, minimum 10 pages. Fee 40 euros.

Distance Healing - Is also available. It is important to discuss individual needs when offering distant healing. This form of healing cannot be given without the consent of the recipient; where this is not possible, we can discuss an alternate arrangement. Distant healing can be offered in two ways, either via Zoom where I will talk you through a healing session or remotely at a mutually agreed time. Further information and specific requirements will be discussed during booking process.

Sessions are 60 mins.

Fee 30 euros.

Photograph Readings - This is a service that can be offered, but only if the request fulfils my own spiritual ethics. As in the Distance Healing scenario, it is always important to gain permission to send healing or ‘access’ the energy of another soul. I state this because I try to safeguard against requests for less ethical insights into another person’s soul characteristics; this can be an insight into a potential boy/girlfriend, requests to know whether a partner or boss has negative tendencies etc. For me, it is not spiritually ethical to read photographs in that situation.

However, it sits well with me to offer photograph readings in ancestral family or friend relationships; for example, when a soul has passed over or connection has been lost. This can be particularly powerful when seeking answers to ancestral issues and looking for ways to promote ancestral family healing. Likewise, gaining closure when connection has been lost with an important person in your life.

Each scenario is different and every request is considered but not always accepted.

Once I agree to the reading, I require up to a max of 4 photographs of the person you are seeking a reading on. This can include pictures of them with family or friends or on holiday, etc. However, one photo must be a clear single head and shoulder image of that person; I must be able to see their eyes.

I do various sittings with the photographs, whereby, I channel guided messages / information relating to that person; this presents itself through automatic writing. This can take up to several sittings depending on the energy and complexity of the reading. Once I have received the photographs and agreed that they are suitable for how I like to work, my aim is to always produce a report within 2 weeks. A PDF report will be emailed to you.

Fee 60 euros.

“Once upon a time.. there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy. the birds still remember what we have forgotten. that the world is meant to be celebrated.”

Terry Tempest Williams